Giovanni Rosa

AI Engineer • PhD, UNIMOL • Italy


Short Bio. Giovanni Rosa received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Molise, defending a thesis entitled “Are Developers Good in Code Review?” advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto and co-advised by Prof. Jens Krinke, from the University College of London. Afterward, he received his master’s degree in Software Systems Security from the University of Molise defending a thesis entitled “Evaluating SZZ Implementations Through a Developer-informed Oracle” advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto and co-advised by Prof. Gabriele Bavota, from the Università della Svizzera Italiana, and Dr. Simone Scalabrino, from the University of Molise. During his master’s degree, he obtained a scholarship to serve as ML Research Engineer for the ATTICUS research project (founded by the EU). In 2024, he successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Assessing and Improving the Quality of Docker Artifacts”. During his PhD, he authored over 20 research papers, contributed to the research community by serving as a reviewer, and presented his work at several international conferences. He also served as a teaching assistant for the machine learning and programming courses, and he co-supervised more than 15 students during their final thesis work.

He is currently an AI Engineer in the AI@TECIT team, part of Technology Reply, conducting research and development applying Machine Learning and GenAI-based approaches in the domains of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and IT Operations.

Topics of Interest. Machine Learning, GenAI, NLP, DevOps, Software Quality, Software Maintenance, Empirical Software Engineering


Apr 30, 2024 Dr. Giovanni Rosa Achieves the PhD Milestone! :tada::tada: I successfully defended my dissertation entitled “Assessing and Improving the Quality of Docker Artifacts”
Apr 15, 2024 Today we presented our paper “Not all Dockerfile Smells are the Same: An Empirical Evaluation of Hadolint Writing Practices by Experts” at MSR 2024! Slides available here :whale:
Sep 12, 2023 We just presented our journal first paper “What Quality Aspects Influence the Adoption of Docker Images?” at ASE 2023! Slides available here :boom:
Apr 24, 2023 Our paper “A Comprehensive Evaluation of SZZ Variants Through a Developer-informed Oracle” has been accepted for publication in the journal JSS! :tada:

selected publications

  1. [J9]
    Fixing Dockerfile Smells: An Empirical Study
    Giovanni Rosa, Federico Zappone, Simone Scalabrino, and Rocco Oliveto
    Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) 2024
  2. [C6]
    Evaluating SZZ Implementations Through a Developer-informed Oracle
    Giovanni Rosa, Luca Pascarella, Simone Scalabrino, Rosalia Tufano, Gabriele Bavota, Michele Lanza, and Rocco Oliveto
    ICSE 2021